Amos’ Plumbline; Whose Church? The Future of Social Witness

Join us at Unbound as we try something different — a rolling issue!  Advocates from across the US and around the world will address a new theme each week and explore what they envision for the future of the church’s social witness.  Check back every Monday and Thursday for new articles!

Revolution with "love" spelled backwards


Opening Editorial: Amos’ Plumbline; Whose Church? A Series on the Future of Social Witness, Chris Iosso

Bread Breaking PDWeek 1: Progressive Christianity – What’s the Point?

un abrazoWeek 2: Advocacy for Women is Advocacy for Us All



windmill farm - PDWeek 3: On the Journey to Eco-Justice

img_1748Week 4: The Church’s Call to Social Justice




MutualAidWeek 5: Alternative Economics of Faith


Hands - World Mission

Sharing-your-homeWeek 7: Are You a Guest or a Host?



Hands Reaching Shutterstock

Week 8: Gospel Solidarity: A Struggle of Love and Privilege

Silver and VolunteersWeek 9: ‘Tek it to dem:’ Social Witness in Jamaica


rainbow stolesWeek 10: A New Paradigm for the Pro-Queer Faith Movement



homeless man PDClosing Editorials:

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