Author: Patrick David Heery
Date: December 16, 2011

Presbyterian Voices for Justice Launch New Website

News and Networking for Progressive Presbyterians


graphic of the beginning of a URLUnbound is excited to announce a newly revamped
Presbyterian Voices for Justice! We congratulate PVJ for the development of its new website (which can now be found under our “Social Witness” tab) and its continuing witness to the “extravagant love and justice” of the Gospel. We are proud to call PVJ a partner in the ministry of peace and justice and are grateful for its support of Unbound!

Check out the new PVJ website!

The PVJ Mission
We are a playful and passionate community of women and men in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) who are called to proclaim the Gospel vision of God’s extravagant love and justice in church and society.

We seek the wisdom of the Spirit for following Christ’s example and for living into the hope of sustained gender equality, racial reconciliation, full human rights for LGBT persons, economic justice, environmental wholeness, an end to war and all forms of violence, and a justice-loving shalom over all the earth.

We commit to risking the transformation of our own selves and our organization to live into this vision, even as we invite both church and society to meet this challenge.

A Message from PVJ
Vicki Moss, who has been named by the PVJ coordinating team as our new Communications Coordinator and Webweaver, is in the first stages of setting up a new website, which you’ll find at She will be replacing Doug King, who is slowly retiring from his role as creator and manager of our old site, at (That site will be left intact for a while, at least, and you may be able to jump to it through various links on the new site.)

We (including Doug King) believe this new site will reflect a more casual and interactive style than our older one, and we hope you will join in on it—contributing your own news and views, and stopping by often to see what’s there.

Vicki hopes you’ll be patient while she continues to learn the software she’s using, and to build a variety of links.

photo of vicki mossTo introduce Vicki—many of you know her from her role as our booth coordinator at every General Assembly, where she provides not only a warm welcome, but those wonderful and often funny buttons. She will continue to serve as booth coordinator at GA. She adds that “In my other life, I am pastor of the Ridgewood Presbyterian Church in NYC and also starring on Broadway as Director of Children’s Ministry @ Broadway United Church of Christ.”

She also wants to let you know that she would welcome your contributions of news and reflections for the new website. You can contact her at or

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