Apocalypse How? Week 2

Apocalypse How?

Melting Earth

Climate Change, Eschatology, and Christian Responsibility

Abby CarouselConfessions of the Rich Wo(Man): On Struggling to Give Up My Carbon Addiction as an Act of Faith, Rev. Abby Mohaupt

What is it they say about the young rich man who went to see Jesus? He went away sad. But he’s a rich man. How can you be rich and sad? The thing about the young rich man who went to see Jesus is that he knew what he was supposed to do. He knew the law, and he followed it. He loved his neighbors and went to church and was even open-minded enough to seek out a cutting-edge, new-fangled teacher like Jesus, trusting that God (who he knew through the law) was speaking to him through this man, Jesus of Nazareth. And when Jesus told him to sell his possessions and give everything to the poor, he was sad. Continue Reading

Alex Gray - 36Gaia751985208A Local Global Justice Network, The Presbyterian Hunger Program

How do you match your skills and passion for local needs with your heart for all of God’s world? Could we together create a space for you – while connecting with others near and far – to put your faith into action? Are you looking for a way to take concrete action on critical global issues, such as international trade, climate justice, or food sovereignty? Continue Reading

Conrado CarouselClimate Change Exacerbates the Impacts of Extractive Industries in Peru, Conrado Oliveira

The Joining Hands Against Hunger Network in Peru (Red Uniendo Manos Peru) is an organization made up of twelve associated institutions that focus primarily on themes of environmentalism and human rights at a national level. At this time, we in Peru are encountering a period of setbacks in our efforts toward sustainability. Over the course of the last several years, we had achieved moderate advances in environmental law, institutions, and administration, but now, we are seeing a clear change of direction in government policies. Continue Reading

**Lee artículo en Español**

ComasQuestions in a Climate of Conflict: Interviews with Participants and Facilitators

Q: You all at the Red have been working for a long time in environmental issues related to mining and extractive industries. What brings you now to host a trip on climate change? A: Since its inception, the issue of climate change has been of great concern to many of the organizations who form the Red Uniendo Manos Peru (Joining Hands network in Peru), particularly those who work with rural campesino communities in the Andes, where the effects of climate change are already having tremendous impact on the lives and lifestyles of the people. Continue Reading

Emily Morgan CarouselRev. Emily Morgan

Looking for reasons that Christians should be concerned about climate change? Just open your Bible to where it all begins. The two creation stories that start the book of Genesis are different narratives, but both describe a Creator who crafts the world in a certain way, one who loves creation and calls it good. These stories reveal to us something of how our spiritual ancestors understood and related to the world around them – the world that we’ve since inherited. Continue Reading

Charles Carousel 2Local Apocalypse: Into the Storm, Twister, and the Problem of Nature as Adversary, Charles Freeman

It is typical of popular entertainment to seek out seemingly unconquerable foes for its heroes to endure. From big-budget disaster movies to cheap ‘reality’ shows on television, one of the most reliable of such foes is nature itself. Hurricanes, blizzards, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis have all taken their turns as movie antagonists, while the everyday threats of nature provide fodder for television entertainments from The Amazing Race and Survivor to more obscure titles like the Discovery Channel’s Man vs. Wild or any number of so-called ‘reality’ shows on the Weather Channel. Continue Reading

peoples climate march image Sept.2014UN Climate Negotiations and the People’s Climate March!

God has called us to be good stewards of the Earth and care for all of God’s creation, but carbon pollution from our favorite form of energy is fundamentally altering our climate. Together with our ecumenical and interreligious partners, the PC(USA) is calling on political leaders in the U.S. to address issue of climate change and to engage with the international community in coming up with a sustainable response. Join your voice with others as we call on U.S. leaders to take on leadership in helping to craft a moral global framework for the UN climate negotiations. Continue Reading

Colleen CarouselPlanting on Holy Ground: My Year as a YAV ‘Down Bayou’, Colleen Earp

Just over a year ago, I sat in a room full of eager Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs), taking in a very intense week of orientation to prepare us for a year of service. We spent that time talking about what it means to spend a year in service, what it means to stretch our comfort zones, what it means to build the church. While most of my peers were talking about building the church through youth ministry, homeless ministry, tutoring, counseling, and many other means of social service and justice, I was contemplating the year ahead of me building the church by planting trees. Continue Reading

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