Author: Jessica Reid
Date: March 14, 2012
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God’s Door Is Open: 2012 National Multicultural Conference

Register Online Now!

By Jessica Reid, General Assembly Mission Council

open door

Calling all God’s people.

Join us for the 13th annual National Multicultural Conference, where people of various languages, cultures, ethnicities, theologies, genders, generations, and backgrounds come together for a one-of-a-kind experience.

The 2012 conference will take place April 26—29 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Online registration is now available and includes 13 major tracks to choose from, including Multicultural 101, Power and Justice, Evangelism, Christian Education and Leadership in a Diverse Setting, and more. You may also choose to register for pre-conference events taking place April 25 and 26.

The Power and Justice track will explore a range of issues from economic and political advocacy to anti-racism work. Participants will work together to develop skills for power sharing, for working as allies with those who have different experiences than we do, and for being change-agents in our own communities. Track facilitators include the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II, the Rev. Dr. Teresa Chavez Sauceda, and the Rev. Dr. Marcia Mount Shoop.

The conference and pre-conference are open to clergy, laity, church professionals, Christian educators, youth and young adult leaders, leaders of corporate nonprofit organizations, ecumenical partners, and anyone looking to expand their vision and commitment to multicultural ministry.

During the event, participants will be invited to explore the many ways we can, individually and collectively, identify and dismantle the barriers to God’s open door—building hope and promise. The conference is meant to convey the message that diversity, not sameness, characterizes today’s church.

The conference, which began with just 85 participants in 2000 but welcomed more than 500 participants in 2010, is one of the most vital and celebrated events in the ministry of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Some of this year’s speakers are prominent leaders in the church and in the multicultural movement, including

  • Joel Barker, best-selling author, futurist, and filmmaker;
  • Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, dean and vice president of education at Esperanza College of Eastern University; and
  • J. Herbert Nelson III, director of PC(USA)’s Office of Public Witness in Washington, D.C.

For more details, to register online, or to get a registration booklet, head to the Multicultural Congregational Support website now.

Conference details can also be found on the Unbound calendar of events.

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