Author: Chris Iosso
Date: March 20, 2013
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10 Years after the Invasion of Iraq

Next week, Unbound begins  a series of “Short Takes on Peace,” video clips from interviews with students, college chaplains, professors, authors and others. After a video clip whets your appetite, you’ll have an opportunity to share your thoughts on an important peace-related issue.

Even before next week, we’d like to hear from you. How has Iraq changed your mind, ten years on? The PC(USA) peace discernment process was prompted partly by that war and its costly lessons. What lessons did that war have for you? Do you know anyone who fought there? What does that war suggest about the idea of the US bombing Iran, as the government of Israel has been urging? What about North Korea? We would like to hear your take, short or long, as we try to assess the moral reflection of the church and of the country.

Have the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan changed the way you think about war? If so, how? What lessons have you learned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

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