A Local Global Justice Network

gaia-alexgrayThe Presbyterian Hunger Program would like to invite YOU to participate in the beginning conversations of… 

WHAT – A Local Global Justice Network

WHO – Young Adults and Allies trying to live out their faith

WHY – To join and strengthen a global justice movement

HOW – Starting with oneself and building supportive and accountable communities, a web of connections, solidarity, and spirit-filled action!

How do you match your skills and passion for local needs with your heart for all of God’s world? Could we together create a space for you – while connecting with others near and far – to put your faith into action? Are you looking for a way to take concrete action on critical global issues, such as international trade, climate justice, or food sovereignty?

What if you could find support for your own housemates, small group, or local young adult community while living out shared values and building relationships with people in other countries?

If you would like to ask and reflect further on these and related questions, will you be in touch with us? We at the Presbyterian Hunger Program are working to to create a new space for young adults and allies to do faith-filled global and local justice work, and we want hear from you about how to do so! We plan to host an open period of dialogue, diverse experiences, listening, organic growth, and prayerful discernment as we seek to serve Christ by doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God.

Contact Rebecca, Andrew, Bryce, and Valery of the Presbyterian Hunger Program at: glocaljustice@gmail.com.

Read more articles in this series!

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