Author: Patrick David Heery
Date: November 1, 2011
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Christian leaders say yes to Palestine U.N. membership

International law, basic fairness at stake, say PC(USA)’s Parsons, others

October 25, 2011 − From the Presbyterian News Service

black and white photo of UN flagsLeaders of four denominations, including the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s General Assembly Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons, have issued a statement backing the Palestinian Authority’s bid for membership in the United Nations.

U.N. membership for the Palestinians is deserved, the four leaders say, “not only on the basis of international law and basic fairness … but to preserve a multi-religious holy land that includes Christian Palestinians.

In addition to Parsons, the statement was signed by the Rev. Geoffrey Black of the United Church of Christ, the Rev. Sharon Watkins of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Jim Winkler of the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society.


Read the full text of the statement here.

Read and sign a similar petition here.


Banner photo taken by “mattox.”

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