Climate of Conflict: Travel to Peru with the Presbyterian Hunger Program!

Examining the Root Causes of Social-Environmental Conflicts in Peru during the U.N. Convention on Climate Change (COP-20)

Download an application now!

peruAs of April of 2014 the Peruvian Ombudsman Office reported 211 social conflicts in Peru. Of these conflicts, 64% are directly related to environmental issues, and of these environmental issues 90% are related to the extractive industry. Underlying the growing number and intensity of social-environmental conflicts in Peru is the rapidly growing water crisis in the country related to global warming. Due to its immense ecological and biological diversity, enormous gap between the wealthy and poor, and exposure to natural disasters, Peru is considered to be one of the three most vulnerable countries in the world to global warming. In this context, we discern God’s call to action, together with our global partners Red Uniendo Manos Peru.

Participants will visit sites in the Andes and coastal regions of Peru, where social-environmental conflicts are increasing and intensifying. This trip will explore issues of water management, contamination from extractive industries, and the impacts of climate change. Participants will attend the Peru/Bolivia Youth Congress to learn about ongoing efforts to address climate change in both countries. The trip will also provide participants with opportunities to attend civil society forums taking place on the outskirts of the U.N. Convention on Climate Change COP-20.

Dates: December 5-12, 2014

Status: OPEN

Cost: $900 plus airfare to/from Lima

  • Includes food, lodging, and transportation in country
  • Does not include: snacks or bottled water

Application Deadline: August 15, 2014

Download the application.

Download the flyer for more information.

Some need-based scholarship assistance is available from the Presbyterian Hunger Program.

For more trip details contact Eileen Schuhmann.


Conrado Oliveira, Executive Director of the Red Uniendo Manos Peru, talks about the state of climate change and environmental issues in Peru and the work the that Red has done to help.

(Lee el artículo de Conrado en Español)

Interviews with Organizers and Confirmed Trip Participants.

Read more articles in this series!

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