Comprehensive Digest of Social Witness at the 220th PC(USA) General Assembly

logo of cycle of advocacyThis digest is a compilation of the social witness-related items that came before the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 220th General Assembly in 2012. For each piece of business, the digest summarizes the Assembly action, the content of each proposal and its amendments, and (in some cases) the key points made in the Advice and Counsel (A&C). Such A&C memoranda are one of the stipulated methods by which advisory and advocacy committees resource commissioners.

A&Cs from the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (which is responsible for the process of developing and recommending social witness policy to the General Assembly) provide relevant policy background, context, and possible consequences of Assembly action. They thus remain a handy reference for understanding Assembly action.

For the full text of each piece of business and for information on the vote tallies and committee recommendations, please refer to the links provided along with each item.

Unbound offers this compilation as part of our Oct 2012 journal issue, “The Backstory of General Assembly“.

The digest is easy to use: Simply click on a category of interest below for all business related to that theme. Then, when ready, return to the index for a new category. Alternatively, you can view the entire digest as a PDF.


Church Growth
Confessions of the Church
Criminal Justice
Denominational Structure and Polity
Diversity and Representation
Economic Justice
Environmental Justice
Family Issues and Children’s Welfare
Health Issues
International Issues and Human Rights
Israel and Palestine
Marriage Equality
Mission Coordination
Ordination Standards and LGBT Equality
Reproductive Justice


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