Author: Israel Palestine Mission Network
Date: February 22, 2012
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Jewish Voice for Peace Stands With Presbyterian Divestment

An Open Letter to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
from the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council

The Israel Palestine Mission Network of the PC(U.S.A.) is pleased to share this letter from the
JVP Rabbinical Council with you.

photo of a checkpointWe write to you as members of the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council to encourage your efforts to initiate phased selective divestment from corporations which profit from or support Israel’s occupation of the West Bank. We applaud your initiative and want to communicate our support as Jewish leaders who also work for justice and peace for the people of Israel and Palestine.

We are aware that the Jewish Council on Public Affairs (JCPA) has unleashed a powerful campaign to dissuade you, and consequently dissuade the Presbyterian Church (USA) from moving forward with its well-considered divestment campaign. We have been dismayed to learn the JCPA has called your divestment campaign “anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and at times anti-Semitic”.

As Jewish leaders, we believe the JCPA’s stance does not represent the broader consensus of the American Jewish community. There is in fact a growing desire within the North American Jewish community to end our silence over Israel’s oppressive occupation of Palestine. Every day Jewish leaders – we among them – are stepping forward to express outrage over the confiscation of Palestinian land, destruction of farms and groves and homes, the choking of the Palestinian economy and daily harassment and violence against Palestinian people. Members of the Jewish community are increasingly voicing their support for nonviolent popular resistance against these outrages – including the kind of cautious, highly-specified divestment such as the Presbyterian Church (USA) is preparing to undertake.

However, even if the American Jewish community were unanimously opposed to such phased selective divestment by your Church – which is not at all the case – we believe it is still important that you move forward with the thoughtful multi-year process which your Church has begun. Your Church has long been active in pursuing justice and peace by nonviolent means, including divestment, in many places around the world. As Christians, you have your own particular stake in the land to which both our traditions have long attachments of faith and history. We particularly acknowledge the oppression of Palestinian Christians under Israeli occupation and the justice of your efforts to relieve the oppression directed against your fellows.

To advocate for an end to an unjust policy is not anti-Semitic. To criticize Israel is not anti-Semitic. To invest your own resources in corporations which pursue your vision of a just and peaceful world, and to withdraw your resources from those which contradict this vision, is not anti-Semitic. There is a terrible history of actual anti-Semitism perpetrated by Christians at different times throughout the millennia and conscientious Christians today do bear a burden of conscience on that account. We can understand that, with your commitment to paths of peace and justice, it must be terribly painful and inhibiting to be accused of anti-Semitism.

In fact, many of us in the Jewish community recognize that the continuing occupation of Palestine itself presents a great danger to the safety of the Jewish people, not to mention oppressing our spirits and diminishing our honor in the world community. We appreciate the solidarity of people of conscience in pursuing conscientious nonviolent strategies, such as phased selective divestment, to end the occupation.

With prayers for peace,
Rabbi Margaret Holub, JVP Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Brant Rosen, JVP Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Alissa Wise, JVP Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Julie Greenberg, JVP Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Michael Feinberg, JVP Rabbinical Council
Cantor Michael Davis, JVP Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Rachel Barenblatt, JVP Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Lynn Gottleib, JVP Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman, JVP Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Rebecca Alpert, JVP Rabbinical Council
Rabbi Joseph Berman, JVP Rabbinical Council
David Basior, Rabbinical Student, JVP Rabbinical Council

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In joyful obedience to the call of Christ, and in solidarity with churches and our other partners in the Middle East, this network covenants to engage, consolidate, nourish, and channel the energy in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) toward the goal of a just peace in Israel /Palestine by facilitating education, promoting partnerships, and coordinating advocacy. Our network speaks TO the Church not FOR the Church.
Banner photo by Joe Mabel; checkpoint photo provided by Susanne Hoder of the United Methodist Church.

5 Responses to Jewish Voice for Peace Stands With Presbyterian Divestment

  1. Check out this article by Rabbi Brant Rosen: “I Support the Presbyterian Church (USA) Divestment Resolution” found on “The Palestinian Talmud, Blog of the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council”.

  2. Thank you, Jewish Voice for Peace, for your courageous work! We are proud to work alongside our Jewish brothers and sisters for the justice and peace advocated by the Jewish people and the prophets long, long before even the advent of Christianity, and from which Christianity, when not distorted (as it so often has been, tragically so), takes its own calling. Your continuance of the Jewish prophetic and covenant tradition is a model for us all. May we find a way to work for the peace and wellbeing of all… Israelis, Palestinians, Christians, Jews, Muslims, all people. And when we fail to do that, may God’s grace lift us up.

  3. Pingback: Debunking the Myth of Positive Investment Adapting Advice and Counsel Memoranda from the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy – by the Editors of Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice |

  4. Pingback: Debunking the Myth of Positive Investment «

  5. Should Israel’s neighbors overrun it and kill all Jews, how long are we supposed to pretend to be shocked and dismayed? A week might be a bit much.
    In 1948,, Jordan took the West Bank by conquest. Apparently, various churches were down with the right of conquest. None of the Right Sort of Person seemed to mind.
    In 1967, the Israelis took it back. So the Right Sort of Person, having validated right of conquest, has nothing to say that anybody is bound to listen to.

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