Author: Chris Iosso
Date: September 29, 2011
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Petition for Palestinian Statehood

An Open Letter on Palestinian Statehood From Presbyterian Christians in the United States

Sign the Petition:

photo of protestor from non-violent demonstration in Londo

Nonviolent Protest, London, by Simon Stratford

A petition for UN membership for the Palestinian state. It takes very little time to sign the petition (please disregard the automatic request for contribution). Yet it is an important effort to witness for a peaceful approach to universal human aspiration. A U.S. Christian voice that is not in step with U.S. government policy may send a word of hope and reconciliation to Palestinian Christians and Muslims, and others concerned of all backgrounds.

Please consider taking a short time to join in taking a stand and sharing this with others who may be concerned.

Banner photo by Sue Byford.

One Response to Petition for Palestinian Statehood

  1. Leaders of four denominations, including the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s General Assembly Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons, have issued a statement backing the Palestinian Authority’s bid for membership in the United Nations.

    U.N. membership for the Palestinians is deserved, the four leaders say, “not only on the basis of international law and basic fairness … but to preserve a multi-religious holy land that includes Christian Palestinians.

    In addition to Parsons, the statement was signed by the Rev. Geoffrey Black of the United Church of Christ, the Rev. Sharon Watkins of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Jim Winkler of the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society.

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