SNAP Challenge Next Week!

snap_logoHave you signed up yet to take the SNAP Challenge next week? Join the editors of Unbound, various leaders in the PC(USA), and over 300 other people of faith as we live for one week (Nov. 17-23) on the SNAP/Food Stamps weekly allowance for our respective states. The average SNAP benefit is $31.50 per week for all food and drink.

Sign up to take the SNAP Challenge here.

The Difference Food Stamps Can Make

Think SNAP/Food Stamps is a “nonessential” or “inefficient” program that ought to be subject to more budget cuts? Think again! Rev. Becky Strader from Plainfield, VT, shared her own story with the Presbyterian Hunger Program:

“I am a Teaching Elder, serving one quarter time in a small church in Vermont — 1st Presbyterian Church of Graniteville, Vermont. For 8 and a half months, until mid-August, I was underemployed. Since I serve a small church, I am a “tent-making” or “bi-vocational” pastor. During the time I was underemployed (i.e., did not have a week-day 40-hour per week secular job), I was on unemployment compensation; I also received full state health insurance coverage, some assistance with winter heating bills (fuel assistance), and, thank goodness, food stamps. I was able to buy all the food I needed with food stamps. Vermont allows food stamps to be used to purchase double the face value for produce (and plants to grow food) at farmers’ markets. Now that I am again working full time, I really notice the lack of food stamps in my monthly budget! I can testify that food stamps helped me stay in the apartment where I live, and allowed me to search for work without having to rely on my savings too much. I continued as Stated Supply Pastor of my congregation, without undue hardship, in between secular jobs, partly because of the benefit of food stamps. Thank you for your work to keep this benefit coming to all kinds of folks!”

Stand in solidarity with people like Rev. Strader who know that SNAP benefits can be truly lifesaving.

Those who are unable to take the Challenge, for health reasons or otherwise, can participate in other ways, such as:

Further resources and guidelines for the SNAP/Food Stamp Challenge.


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