Take the SNAP/Food Stamp Challenge!

snap challengeFrom November 17-23, leaders and members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – including Linda Valentine, Gradye Parsons and Neal Presa – will be taking the SNAP Challenge and living for one week on the SNAP/Food Stamps weekly allowance for their respective states. In Kentucky, that means eating no more than $31.50 worth of food.

Will you join them?

While living on a food stamp budget for just a week cannot come close to the struggles encountered by roughly 45 million low-income families week after week and month after month, it does provide those who take the Challenge with a new perspective and greater understanding.

Information about the Challenge and how to register is available on the Presbyterian Hunger Program’s SNAP Challenge Website.

Those who are unable to take the Challenge, for health reasons or otherwise, can participate in other ways, such as:

Join people of faith across the nation in deepening our understanding of the challenges faced by neighbors who are hungry so that we can better bear witness in our mission and advocacy. Register today and spread the word!

Further resources and guidelines for the SNAP/Food Stamp Challenge.

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