Video: Young, Jewish Allies on Divestment & Peace

As the managing editor of Unbound, I have had the privilege of meeting several Jewish Voice for Peace advocates (striking in their enthusiasm and resolve) here at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly, which is considering overtures to divest from companies profiting from the occupation of Palestine. Below is a video they have just shared with Unbound.

Divestment is often framed as a threat to Jewish-Christian relations (something very dear to us all). While it is true that many Jewish individuals and organizations have come out against divestment, this framing is problematic because it ignores the deep diversity and active debate within the Jewish, even Israeli, community on this subject.

JVP writes, “Based on their moral and spiritual Jewish values, young Jews from Jewish Voice for Peace, urge Presbyterians to support the resolution for selective divestment from Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions, and Hewlett Packard because of their profiteering from Israeli occupation and human rights abuses.”

“Follow your Conscience: A message to Presbyterians from their young, Jewish allies”

Learn more about Jewish Voice for Peace

Read the letter from the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council

Follow the divestment debate on Unbound

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