Webinar: How to Run a Fair Trade Sale at Your Church


Click here to register for the webinar on Monday, July 28, from 12 to 1 PM EDT!

Have you ever seen Fair Trade Products at a local Fair Trade shop or 10,000 villages? Has your church or presbytery sold fair trade coffee and chocolate through Equal Exchange?

Fair Trade is one of the many ways the Presbyterian Hunger Program addresses hunger and presents opportunities for local congregations to engage issues of global poverty while connecting with producers from all over the world. Running a store or sale through the local church can be a difficult prospect, but can also be rewarding and enriching to the life of a congregation.

Join us as we explore the reasons for engaging in this ministry, the process for getting started, and helpful tips and tricks from those who have done it before. Lauralyn Kolb (Stone Church in Clinton, NY), Merry Panteleo (Shepherd of the Hill Presbyterian Church in Puyallup, Washington), and Julie Bills (First Presbyterian Church in Stillwater, Oklahoma) will be joining in preparation and presentation.

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Check out other upcoming webinars by the Presbyterian Hunger Program!

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