Author: Rae: My Silent Half
Date: December 5, 2012
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Help Rae Tell Her Story of Sexuality & Faith

ACTION: Help Rae MySilentHalf publish Confessions of a Lesbian Pastor: Sexuality, Faith, and Acceptance: contribute today!

In October, 2012, Unbound joined efforts with Rae, a pas­tor and coun­selor from the Chicago area, who was trying to raise enough money to publish and distribute, as a book, a collection of her and others’ reflections on struggling with sexuality and faith. People pledged about half of the needed amount, $3,600, but because the total amount needed was not raised, Rae did not collect on these pledges. Now, an anonymous donor has come forward, pledging to match that amount if Rae can raise $3,000 or more again. Will you make a pledge today?
By Rae MySilentHalf

my silent halfThis book project means more than words can possibly type.

My story, I’ve learned, is not rare at all. There are thousands of people every single day wondering the same questions I have:

“Is it ok to be gay?”

“Will God deny me into heaven?”

“What will people think of me?”

I am a Lesbian.

I am a Pastor.

And I am just now learning what it means to walk freely in the reality that those two things can co-exist and that in fact… I am not as rare as I think.

I don’t mean this to diminish myself but to amplify the need to share my story. Because while I am now free, others are not. There are still people struggling in the trenches of life, believing what I once believed… that they are alone and there is no where to go.

This book will be a collection of my confessions from my blog: confessions about struggle, sexuality, faith, questions, story, acceptance, coming out, and so much more. In addition to that, there will be guest confessions from friends who I’ve met along the way.

The point of this book is to share my story, not to celebrate myself, but to allow others to feel less alone. To put this book—my story and the stories of others—in the hands of those who need to know that there are people who have lived the same questions, hurt the same hurts, and are standing next to them fighting the same fight.

So I have been challenged. Raise $3,000 in a week. If I can do that, an anonymous donor will match it. This money isn’t for me to make a quick buck… instead it’s so I can give these books away. Hand them out to communities who need to hear our stories.

Will you join us?

Help make it happen for Rae MySilentHalf! Contribute to Confessions of a Lesbian Pastor: sexuality, faith, and acceptance.

Read select confessions from Rae’s blog, as published on Unbound.


One Response to Help Rae Tell Her Story of Sexuality & Faith

  1. Pingback: Give the Gift of Voice This Year: For My Silent Half « The 3 G's: God, Gays, and Grace

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