Author: Emily Morgan
Date: April 18, 2012
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Litany for Earth Day

Sunday, April 22, is Earth Day! Below are worship resources from Unbound‘s organizer, Emily Morgan, followed by links to earth care resources offered by our partners.

By Emily Hope Morgan

(Based on Psalm 1:1-3
One: Truly blessed persons don’t take advice from the foolish or from those who are disrespectful.

Many: Instead blessed persons love God and listen for God’s guidance in their lives.

One: They are like trees that are planted by streams of water,

Many: and their branches bear fruit in God’s time.

One: Let us worship our God who nurtures our roots and makes our leaves flourish.


All: Holy God, you cause rain to fall on the just and unjust. Sometimes we are part of the just, and sometimes we are part of the unjust. You have given us incredible gifts of soil, water, and air that sustain our entire lives. When we are ungrateful, forgive us. When we forget to take care of those resources, forgive us. When we horde these resources and keep them from others who need them, forgive us. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us to refresh us and renew us so that we can use the gifts you have grown in us to care for each other and our earth. Amen.


(Based on Psalm 23:1-3, 6)
One: God leads us beside still waters and restores our souls. God leads us on righteous paths.

All: Surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives, and we dwell in the theater of God’s creation.


LITANY FOR EARTH DAY                                 
(Based on Gen 1:12, 26-28 and Psalm 96:11-12
One: Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice!

Many: Let the sea roar, and let the field exclaim!

One: The trees of the forest will sing for joy!

Many: God cares for all of God’s creation.

One: When God began to create the heavens and the earth the earth was without shape, and it was dark over the deep sea while God’s Spirit swept over the face of the waters.

Many: God created everything and called it “good.”

One: God created humanity in God’s own image to take charge and take care of the earth, the plants, and the animals.

Many: From the smallest seed to the largest tree, from the smallest atom to the largest continent God, calls upon us to care for our good world.

One: It is our responsibility and great joy to care for our world.

Many: Today on Earth Day 2012 we pledge our continued efforts to care for our world, to protect endangered animals, to secure safe drinking water for areas without it, to reduce our energy use, and to advocate for the protection of these resources and others. With God’s help we will care for God’s creation. Amen.

Earth Day 2012

Earth Day Resources


photo of emily morgan

Emily Mor­gan is a stu­dent at Prince­ton The­o­log­i­cal Sem­i­nary and a Can­di­date for Ordi­na­tion in the Pres­by­ter­ian Church (U.S.A.). She grad­u­ated with a BA in His­tory in 2009 from Drury Uni­ver­sity and plans to pur­sue con­gre­ga­tional and col­lege min­istry. She also recently started a web­site designed to pon­der faith issues and get young adults and oth­ers think­ing about issues in the 21st Cen­tury and how they relate to spir­i­tu­al­ity and reli­gion. Read more at, where this litany can also be found.

3 Responses to Litany for Earth Day

  1. Hannah Burke says:

    Beautiful, Emily. I might use your confession this Sunday!

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