Author: Patrick David Heery
Date: February 18, 2012
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Oppose Private Prison Legislation

Immediate Action Needed by Michigan Residents!

Action Alert from Prison Legal News and AFL-CIO, American’s Union Movement

photo of prison cellThis Tuesday, February 21, the Michigan House of Representatives will likely vote on legislation which amounts to nothing more than a giveaway for one corporation (HB 5174 and HB 5177). It would allow a private prison in Lake County owned by the GEO Group, Inc. to house state prisoners, even though their track record is abysmal.

This same company operated that same prison 7 years ago—one of the most expensive prisons to operate in the state. Their dismal track record in the prison industry includes a history of mismanagement, lawsuits for mistreatment of prisoners, fraud, and failure to fulfill terms of contracts.

Now isn’t the time for another prison, especially one with such a shameful history. The demand for prison space in MI is declining. According to the Michigan Department of Corrections, Michigan has the fewest number of prisoners since 1998. There is no need for the state to hand state prisoners over to GEO Group so the company can profit at taxpayer expense.

The following key legislators need to hear from Michigan residents on this reckless legislation. Putting state prisoners in this private prison is a waste of taxpayers’ money. Prison privatization has failed to live up to its promises (less cost, higher quality), incentivizes the perpetuation of criminality and incarceration, and reduces human beings—God’s children—to commodities and stock options.

Click here to send a message to key Michigan representatives to vote NO on HB 5174 and 5177.

Or contact them directly, here:
Pat Somerville, (R) Dist 23 (downriver area)

Mark Ouimet, (R) Dist 52 (Washtenaw County)

Nancy Jenkins, (R) Dist 57 (Lenawee County)

Margaret O’ Brien, (R) Dist 61 (Kalamazoo County)

Mike Shirkey, (R) Dist 65 (Jackson county)

Peter Pettalia, (R) Dist 106 (Northeast lower peninsula)

One Response to Oppose Private Prison Legislation

  1. Pingback: Michigan Representative Introduces Prison Privatization Bill, Top Donor Is Private Prison Exec | Republic Report

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