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Author Archives: Tricia Lloyd-Sidle

Peacemakers Needed in Canada

Peacemakers Needed in Canada

As Christian peacemakers, we are grateful for the ministry of ecumenical Christian Peacemaker Teams[i] in many conflict-ridden corners of the globe. Committed to building partnerships to transform violence and oppression, CPT teams accompany and support threatened communities with an on-going … Continue reading

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Introduction to Posts from the Past #2:

Race and Remembrance in light of Trayvon Martin Verdict. I don’t know how my mother walked her trouble down I don’t know how my father stood his ground I don’t know how my people survive slavery I do remember, that’s … Continue reading

Posted in Current Issue, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Journal | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

A Job Should Keep You Out of Poverty, Not Trap You In It!

The minimum wage in the US is $7.25 per hour.  The Presbyterian Church has a long history of supporting the rights of workers to earn fair wages, good benefits, and safe working conditions.  Indeed, in recognizing the value and dignity … Continue reading

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Short Takes on Peace

Our hearts ache with the daily news: shootings; rape; human trafficking; torture; veterans with PTSD, children who are hungry. Our minds struggle to understand: drones?  hundreds of US military bases?  millions of refugees?  nation building? privatization of water?  a war against … Continue reading

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