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Author Archives: Neddy H. Astudillo

Neddy Astudillo

Singing from Every Place, in Every Tongue, For Every Time

“Heaven is Singing for Joy / El Cielo Canta Alegria,” (#382) was written in 1958, but/and Glory to God is the first Presbyterian hymnal to include it. The notes below the hymn read as follows: “Written in 1958 for a … Continue reading

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Neddy Astudillo

Finding the Good News in the Ecological Crisis: An Immigrant’s Story

It is easier to join the environmental cause after being inspired by the beauty of the earth than through the ecological crisis alone, just as it may be easier to experience the Glory of God while looking at the stars … Continue reading

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neddy astudillo

La Eco-Justicia: Un Modo de Cuidar La Creación

Una Mirada Eco-Teológica de la Mayordomía, la Eco-Justicia y la Eco-Espiritualidad This article is also available in English.   Por: Rvda. Neddy Astudillo   Un sentimiento inquieto sopla libre en estos días, mientras las palabras del Evangelio continúan proclamando: “Ve … Continue reading

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neddy astudillo

Eco-Justice is Creation Care

Shifting the Foundations of Eco-Theology to Include Stewardship, Justice, and Spirituality Este texto también está disponible en español.   By Rev. Neddy Astudillo   View and Print as PDF.   An uneasy feeling moves freely through the air these days, … Continue reading

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