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Author Archives: Rebecca Barnes

General Assembly: Family Reunion and Care for the Earth

A lot of Presbyterians affectionately refer to GA as a family reunion, even as we may groan about long hours, worry about contentious issues, pray for God’s Spirit to work in the stuck places, and occasionally feel overcome by bone-deep … Continue reading

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Strands of One Thread: Ecowomanism

Special from the Presbyterian Hunger Program, originally published in the Spring 2016 edition of the PHP Post. The struggle for gender, racial, and economic justice are all parts of the same thread, and deal with similar questions of power and … Continue reading

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Celebrating 5 Years of Earth Care Congregations

This summer, 2014, marks the 5th year of certification for 14 of PC(USA)’s certified Earth Care Congregations. For five years, these churches have been growing ever deeper in their ministry and witness and for five years, the PC(USA) Earth Care … Continue reading

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Communion and Climate Change

This week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at In our time of climate change, what does it mean to gather at the Table? Can our thanksgiving and intercession, our taking, blessing, … Continue reading

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