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Author Archives: Joann Haejong Lee

Advocacy for Women’s Concerns and Beyond

Even as a life-long Presbyterian, I knew very little about the Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns until I joined the committee in 2010. I had read some of the Committee’s Advice and Counsel memoranda speaking to pertinent General Assembly Overtures … Continue reading

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Joann Haejong Lee, Mod­er­a­tor for Com­mit­tee on Immi­gra­tion Issues at 2012 GA

“For Where Your Treasure Is, There Your Heart Will Be Also” (Matt 6:21)

Financial Anxieties Block Justice Overtures at General Assembly By Joann Haejong Lee, 2012 Teaching Elder Commissioner and Moderator for Committee on Immigration Issues   View and Print as PDF.   I grew up in a working class family of immigrants. … Continue reading

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