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Author Archives: Mark Koenig

The Refugee Jesus

The following sermon was preached at Rutgers Presbyterian Church on November, 22, 2015, Christ the King Sunday. Author Rev. Mark Koenig writes, “I rarely post sermons, however this one received enough positive feedback that I make an exception. Note that … Continue reading

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Making Visible the Cords of Love

The Ecumenical Witness of the PC(USA) in the UN Community The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) affirms that Presbyterians do ministry in partnership. At the United Nations, this involves the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations working with ecumenical partners to address … Continue reading

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Mark Koenig

Courage: A Poem for Nonviolent Witness

Inspired, on the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, by the Palestinians, Israelis, and internationals who worked nonviolently to protect the village and olive trees of Budrus, and by all who use nonviolence to witness for justice, wholeness, and … Continue reading

Posted in Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Music, Art, Poetry, and Photos, Poetry, Video | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment
Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

MLK Litany on the Tragedy of Gun Violence

Written for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day By the Rev. W. Mark Koenig, Director of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations   Banner Photo: Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, both victims of gun violence … Continue reading

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