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Author Archives: Melissa G. Davis

Join the National Day of Action on April 10th!

Join the National Day of Action on April 10th!

Join the National Day of Action on April 10, 2013 and urge congress to reform our nation’s immigration laws. People of faith and good will are gathering in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday to rally and visit with members of congress. … Continue reading

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Our Citizenship is in Heaven

by Melissa Garrett Davis The following article is the first in a series, Tracking the Immigration Debate. This week we are cross-posting with our partner site,  Melissa Davis is co-manager of the Office of Immigration Issues of the Presbyterian … Continue reading

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"we are all immigrants" sign

Tell Your Senators to Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Let’s Start the New Year with Hope and Justice for Aspiring Citizens ACTION ALERT: Send a postcard to your senators By Melissa G. Davis, Co-Manager of the PC(USA) Office of Immigration Issues   Senator Rand Paul’s unmistakable voice called to … Continue reading

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