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Author Archives: Miriam Foltz

Snapshots of the ‘New Ecumenism’: Collegiate Ministry

“Can I ask you a question? Hugging during the passing of the peace… is that an all-Lutherans thing or just a Lutheran Campus Ministry thing?” Of all the ecumenical worship service’s elements that were different than our usual Sunday UKirk … Continue reading

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Daughters of Eve: Biblical Women Take Back the Microphone

Excerpts from a ‘Biblical Edition’ of the Vagina Monologues Introduction by the Authors: Mary, Martha, Mary, Eve, Mary…some biblical women are part of our common cultural language. But what do we really know about them? What is the truth and … Continue reading

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Gendered Language and the Imago Dei

When I was in fifth grade, my mom became the director of Christian Education at my home church. Consequently, before I learned to drive, I spent many hours at church waiting until it was time to go home. As it … Continue reading

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