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Author Archives: Noushin Framke

The Trilemma of Settler Colonialism

The words “settlers” and “territories” harken back to the earliest stories that came from the Europeans who sailed to the “New World.” They have complicated histories which go back to our nation’s original sins of slavery and the genocide of … Continue reading

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The Church Must Be Clear on Both Iran and North Korea

Editor’s note: As we post this article, the dangers it describes are underlined by the Trump Administration’s efforts to block all international purchases of Iranian oil. A 180-day “waiver” for eight countries to continue importing Iranian oil without punitive action … Continue reading

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Author Noushin Framke

Except on Palestine?

“I didn’t know church could be like this,” said Sam, a teenager who had come to an event in Fellowship Hall. That Sunday after worship, we had Anna Baltzer speaking about why, as a Jewish-American, she had come to be … Continue reading

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Burning Frankincense in Iran

“In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, ‘Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star … Continue reading

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