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Author Archives: Presbyterian AIDS Network

AIDS ribbon graphic

Video: The Changing Face of HIV/AIDS

A new video by the Presbyterian AIDS Network (PAN) In the United States, the face of HIV and AIDS has changed dramatically in the 30 years since the start of the pandemic. Communities are living with increased rates of infection … Continue reading

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a hand holding a flame amid darkness, "I am the light of the world"

World AIDS Day Sermon

The following sermon was written and preached by the Reverend Emily Rose Proctor on the second Sunday in Advent, December 5, 2010, at Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland. The sermon can also be found, along with … Continue reading

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graphic of AIDS ribbon with words saying Plan for World AIDS Day

Worship Resources for World AIDS Day 2011

Planning Services of Worship that Lift Up World AIDS Day   By the Rev. Emily Rose Proctor, associate pastor, Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church, and co-moderator of the Presbyterian AIDS Network, a Network of the Presbyterian Health, Education & … Continue reading

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graphic of the world saying 1 December World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day 2011

Introducing World AIDS Day: Getting to Zero November 2011 by Ann Jones and George Kerr, Co-Moderators for Presbyterian AIDS Network (PAN)   December 1, 2011, World AIDS Day (WAD), is a day of awareness and action in the struggle to … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound | Tagged , | 4 Comments