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Author Archives: Presbyterians for Earth Care

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Church Appoints Theologian for Earth Stewardship

Theologian for Earth Stewardship Appointed at Montreat Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Local Initiative May Serve as National Model   Establishment of an “Earth Stewardship Theologian” position at Montreat Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in Montreat, North Carolina, marks a new milestone in the … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Education, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound | Tagged , , | 3 Comments
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Earth Care Lenten Devotional

Feasting on God’s Gifts; Fasting in Sorrow Brought to you by Presbyterians for Earth Care: An Eco-Justice Network Download the Lenten Devotional or check it out online! PEC Lenten Reflection 2012, Moderator’s Comments, by Diane Waddell We enter into Lent … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Worship | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment