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Author Archives: Sung-Yeon-Choi-Morrow

Author Rev. Sung Yeon Choi Morrow

Don’t Display Your Solidarity, Express it!

Article originally published in the Presbyterian Outlook on November 15, 2016: This is not a piece about Standing Rock and the water protectors. This is a reflection to expand the narrative of what happened during the clergy action visit … Continue reading

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Author Rev. Sung Yeon Choi Morrow

Loving One Another in Truth and Action (Or ‘How to Be An Effective Ally’)

Text: I John 3:11-24 Dear brothers and sisters, we have seen a lot of violence in the past few weeks. We’ve seen terror attacks at the Belgium Airport and at Ataturk Airport in Istanbul, a major bombing in Iraq, and … Continue reading

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Author Rev. Sung Yeon Choi Morrow

Dear White Liberals

It was a typical muggy August day in Chicago when I pulled up to McCormick Seminary in my U-Haul van, trailed by a car full of college guys – my brother and his friends, who had agreed to help me … Continue reading

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Sung Yeon Choi-Morrow

The Cost of Solidarity: Faithful Advocacy for Worker Justice

These days, when the business segment appears on a nightly news program or the radio, we often hear “good news.” The unemployment rate is down, and more companies are hiring. This is good news, right? In many ways, not really. … Continue reading

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