Renewing the Vision

Issues of Social Justice before the 223rd General Assembly (St. Louis)

Summer 2018

The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) has six resolutions before the General Assembly this year. However, issues of social justice touch many other corners of the 223rd GA as well. Where there is an urgent need, our goal is to raise awareness. Where there are divergent perspectives, we hope to lift up prophetic voices in a way that enables each to make her case.

Unbound’s Managing Editor contributes background pieces on the business, organized by committee and seeking to cover every committee that includes major social justice issues. Additional articles are added to this page as authors join the interactive discussions surrounding these issues both before & after GA. We urge you to take part in these discussions!  Unbound remains committed to the integrity of a democratic church polity, which is strengthened when all participate actively in the life and witness of the Church. 

During GA, Unbound live-tweets events at @UnboundJustice.

After GA 223: Takeaways and Lessons Learned

From All the Places We’ve Been, Kevin Johnson
Shall the Institutionalists Win? Chris Iosso
Thou Shalt Not Kill: Loving Even My Dad’s Killer, Rachel Sutphin

The ‘Three Mile an Hour God’ and the Imago Dei Within Us: A reflection on our walk with Fossil Free PC(USA), Aida Haddad & Ashley Bair
Why Palestine Matters, Anti-BDS laws, and the Free Exchange of Ideas, Robert Trawick
Changing Church Polity: A Family Friendly Shift, Rachael Eggebeen

Issues Addressed at GA 223

Resolutions from ACSWP—Backgrounder

Order in the Globe: Enlarging our Moral Horizons, Duncan Hanson
What the General Assembly may say about St. Louis, Chris Iosso

Plenary Issues [00]

Co-moderators’ nominations to GANC
Committee Structure Proposed by Stated Clerk

The Way Forward Committee [04]—Backgrounder

From the “Way Forward” to a Way Ahead: The Missing Prophetic Compromise, Unbound Staff

Church Polity and Ordered Ministry [06]—Backgrounder

Changing Church Polity: A Family Friendly Shift, Rachael Eggebeen
Defending the Johnson Amendment at GA 223, Jacob Douylliez

Environmental Issues Committee [08]—Backgrounder

Climate Action 100+: Amplifying MRTI’s Voice, Steven Webb
A Plea for Fossil Fuel Divestment, Kathy Dean
Capital or Christ? Standing with Climate Refugees is a Moral Test, Benjamin Perry

Mission Coordination [10]—Backgrounder

Comfort My People: Shining a Light at GA 223, Josh Robinson

Social Justice Issues [11]—Backgrounder

Testimony on Religious Freedom before the 223rd General Assembly, Sylvia Thorson-Smith
Thou Shalt Not Kill: Loving Even My Dad’s Killer, Rachel Sutphin

Middle East Issues [12]—Backgrounder

Why Palestine Matters, Anti-BDS laws, and the Free Exchange of Ideas, Robert Trawick

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