The YAV Program: Lives Set on New ‘Routes’

The motto of the Young Adult Volunteer Program (YAV for short) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) reads, “A year of service for a lifetime of change.” The YAV Program is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church that has engaged and transformed the lives of young adults (Presbyterian and non-Presbyterian alike) for 25 years. In the program, young adults between the ages of 18 and 30 commit to a year of simple living, service, learning, and solidarity as part of a community of faith and justice in one of several locations, both domestic and international. In this montage of articles, we hear from 5alumni/ae about how their experience of up-rooting and re-rooting as Young Adult Volunteers – and how that experience put set their lives on a new route!

Karol CarouselRoots in the Present, Karol Farris, Nashville

“I discovered that my roots are connected not so much to a particular place but rather to my faith in God, who is not limited by time or place.” Read Article

Josh Carousel‘There’s No Place Like Home,’ Josh Orem, Kenya & Hollywood

“These days when I click my ruby slippers, they could take me to one of many places. But as it turns out, they would all still be ‘home.'” Read Article


Megan McCarty CarouselThe YAV Program Ruined My Life – For Good!, Megan McCarty, Miami

“I thought that I needed to consume, to pay high bills, to accrue debt, to be the best, to step on others in order to be considered a valued member of society.” Read Article


Meredith Wilkinson CarouselRoots, Privilege, and Solidarity, Meredith Wilkinson, Tucson

“As I have reflected upon my YAV experience, I am realizing that being rooted in a particular place might not be as important as being connected to each other.” Read Article


Patrick Harley CarouselFlashmobs of Reconciliation, Patrick Harley, Northern Ireland

“There is much work to be done in divided Belfast, but God is still working, still speaking, and still dancing.” Read Article


Read more articles from the young adult issue!

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