
Madison McKinney Headshot

All Of My Relations

Inter-tribal powwows in the 21st century have evolved into a beautiful and unifying experience for Indigenous people all across the country. One of the most compelling parts of powwows is the grand entry, a time when dancers of all categories … Continue reading

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This Advent, We Wait for Justice.

We humans suffer enough already, without abandoning one another. The season of Advent holds inherent tension. Torn between a coming Christmas and present waiting, the heart is pulled and stretched between God’s promise and a reality that falls short. We … Continue reading

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Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor!

A Pastoral Response to the Migrant Caravan I’ve been watching reports of the migrant caravan from Central America, awestruck by the grit and determination of those refugees. What is it like to leave your home and walk for weeks to … Continue reading

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Make America Just. Period.

A Moral Platform for the Christian “Justice Voter.” Fall 2018 What does the Lord require of you, but to seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God? —Micah 6:8 The church is not, and must not be, a partisan … Continue reading

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