Current Issue

The Centrality of Education in the Reformed Tradition

Education has had a primary role in the Christian Church from the beginning. Jesus was often called Rabbi or teacher, and education was fundamental to his role and identity (Mk. 4:1-9; Mt. 5-7). He was the Teacher par excellence. The … Continue reading

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Interview with Sandy Irby

Unbound: What is your role in the education system? Sandy: I am the Director of the Communities of Learning (CoL) program at Union Presbyterian Seminary, located in Richmond, VA. Unique to Union and currently funded by a grant from Lilly … Continue reading

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Interview with Blake Guenther Benham

Unbound: What is your role in the education system? Blake: I am a high school social studies teacher. I teach students in 10th through 12th grade. Unbound: At what type of school do you work? Blake: My school is public … Continue reading

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Interview with Charles Freeman

Unbound: What was your role in the education system? Charles: I was a college professor, teaching music history and related classes at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Unbound: At what type of school did you work? Charles: Over the … Continue reading

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