Current Issue

Spiritus Contra Spiritum

From the Brokenness of Addiction to the Healing of Communion Read Chuck’s interview with James B. Nelson about his book Thirst: God and the Alcoholic Experience. An American – s/he could be any of us – discovers the proverbial magic … Continue reading

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Leading My Own Fight for What Will Heal Me

Testimony by Dorsey Nunn before the PC(USA) Drug Policy Task Force, February 14, 2015. Watch testimony in minutes 20:50 – 31:20 of this video of Day 1 of the Richmond Hearings. I guess I’m the bad guy. I was raised … Continue reading

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Thirst: God and the Alcoholic Experience

Interview with Author James B. Nelson Special from Presbyterian Health, Education, and Welfare Association (PHEWA). (See also Read interviewer Rev. Chuck Booker’s own reflections on addiction in his article Spiritus Contra Spiritum! A renowned Christian ethicist who spent most of … Continue reading

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Seek Ye First the Rat Park

The Rat Park In the mid-to-late twentieth century, scientists conducted a series of experiments on groups of rats. In the early experiments, the rats were housed in cramped, isolated cages where they received a regular supply of food, water, and … Continue reading

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