Current Issue

Re-Imagining the Church as Spiritual Institution

Affirming Diversity and Life-Sustaining Relationships The following article was originally published in the May/June 1994 edition of Church & Society. Download a PDF of the original here. Listen to the words of Elizabeth, an enslaved woman and minister, born in … Continue reading

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Re-Imagining God: Reflections on Mirrors, Motheroot, and Memory

Theological Principles – incarnation, emmanuel, ecclesia – to guide the journey into re-imagining God The following article was originally published in the May/June 1994 edition of Church & Society. Download a PDF of the original here. Barbara de’Souza worked for … Continue reading

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Re-Imagining “Re-Imagining” and the Next 20 Years

Address at the Presbyterian Voices for Justice (formerly Voices of Sophia) Breakfast 220th General Assembly, PCUSA July 3, 2012 Pittsburgh, PA This article was originally published on the Presbyterian Voices for Justice (PV4J) website. I’m overwhelmed by the honor of … Continue reading

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The Cry of Tamar

Originally published here on May 8, 2013, as part of Rev. Marci Glass’ personal blog “Glass Overflowing.” Perhaps you read Elizabeth Smart’s comments on human trafficking recently. As a 14 year old kidnapping victim, she connected her feeling of worthlessness … Continue reading

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