Current Issue

We Are Family

A Sermon Reflecting on the 221st General Assembly Sermon preached Sunday, June 22, 2014 at Ogelthorpe Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA Sermon Text: Matthew 10:24-39 My friends, I bring you greetings from the 221st meeting of the General Assembly of … Continue reading

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The Presbyterian Pre-Occupation with the Occupation of Palestine

Construing and Misconstruing the “Divestment” Vote The Middle East is full of bad news these days. Whether the Presbyterian vote to divest from three U.S. corporations “engaged in non-peaceful pursuits in Israel/Palestine” at their recent 221st General Assembly is more … Continue reading

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This Time Around: Urban Ministry in the PC(USA)

Let’s not drop the urban ministry conversation after the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaves Detroit. Instead of responding decently and in order through debate and a simple up or down vote on the ACSWP resolution “The … Continue reading

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Peacemaking and Pacifism: Seeking Common Ground and Recognizing Differences

A Response to “Risking Peace” and the Peace Fellowship’s Proposals The forthcoming General Assembly is facing a number of issues with important consequences for the present and future identity of the Church. While the two issues that have created the … Continue reading

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