Current Issue

Millennials, Communal Living, and the Fourfold Path

I continue to be impressed by how deeply the 2008 recession has impacted the faith of today’s 20-somethings, and I continue to be frustrated by how poorly institutional churches as a whole have responded to this exciting and game-changing generational … Continue reading

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Roots Entangled: My Bi-National Marriage

The older I get, the more aware I become of a natural order in life – the more I notice how our individual lives often mimic a similar pattern to other organisms on earth. Just as trees grow deep roots … Continue reading

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A Life of Grace (or Why My Family Lives in an Intentional Community)

My son is growing up in a house with homeless people. In 2004, my wife Amy and I started an intentional community (with two hospitality houses) that centers its daily life around the practice of hospitality—welcoming the stranger. Most folks … Continue reading

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When the Shoe Doesn’t Fit

Growing up Asian-American and Adopted in a Southern White Church I was born halfway around the world from the place I now consider home. My life story does not begin in a hospital, like many people’s, but in the Greenville-Spartanburg … Continue reading

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