Current Issue

Week 2: The Sin of Your Sister Sodom

“As I live, says the Lord God, your sister Sodom and her daughters have not done as you and your daughters have done. This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, … Continue reading

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Contextual Theology in Youth Ministry

Growing up in the mountains of Western Maryland, youth ministry was an integral part of my life. Most of my friends attended church, and I found myself regularly joining their youth groups. I’d say during my middle and high school … Continue reading

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Summer in the City: Encountering Christ in our own Backyards

“Why are you doing this when you could be at the pool or playing video games with your friends?” This is the question that I loved to ask campers every summer for the four years I co-directed “Summer in the … Continue reading

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Seek the Welfare of the City Where I Have Sent You

In 2010, I decided to embark on a major life transition. I left my comfortable, full-time job, gave up my car, and moved. Why, you might be wondering? What adventure could I have possibly signed up for? Where would I … Continue reading

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