Current Issue

Is Healthcare a Human Right?

And If So, What Difference Does It Make? Healthcare is a very good thing for governments to provide, whether or not it is a human right, because it is certainly a basic human good and is necessary for human flourishing. … Continue reading

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Healing Miracles: A Pastor’s Perspective

Editor’s Note: We’ve spent the last few weeks reflecting on what our Christian faith has to say to our current systems of healthcare and health insurance. With today’s article, we take a step back and reflect on the healing and … Continue reading

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Just Not Enough: A Physician’s Perspective on Justice and the ACA

Justice or Freedom? In the debate over healthcare reform, it comes down to this: do we aim for a system based on justice – equal access through redistribution of funds and regulation of services – or do we continue to … Continue reading

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Author Charles Freeman

Removing the Scarlet ‘C’: A Cancer Patient’s View of Healthcare and the ACA

“I’m sorry to have to tell you that you have cancer of the rectum.” I firmly believe now that such news should be delayed at least until a patient is a little less foggy from anesthesia. It was a good … Continue reading

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