Current Issue

Week 3: Christian Perspectives on the Healthcare Process

Removing the Scarlet ‘C’: A Cancer Patient’s View of Healthcare and the ACA, Charles Freeman “I’m sorry to have to tell you that you have cancer of the rectum.” I firmly believe now that such news should be delayed at least … Continue reading

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Week 2: Vulnerable Populations and Christian Responsibility

Autism, the ACA, and Lessons from the Secular, Marvin Lindsay Ethan, our 16-year-old son, is autistic. Like lots of autistic people, Ethan has highly focused interests, some of which include jumbo-sized vegetable hybrids, Christmas, and his birthday. Ethan also is … Continue reading

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And Who Is My Neighbor?

To begin, let us introduce ourselves. We are a newly wed 29-going-on-30, couple; my wife is a final-year seminary student preparing for ordination, and I am a Bachelor of Arts working at a job that strikes a balance between a … Continue reading

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Week 1: Healthcare and Christian Ethics

And Who Is My Neighbor?, James and Rachel Shepherd To begin, let us introduce ourselves. We are a newly wed 29-going-on-30, couple; my wife is a final-year seminary student preparing for ordination, and I am a Bachelor of Arts working at … Continue reading

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