Current Issue

God Loves You…Really

The author of this article has asked to remain anonymous so that the prejudice of others does not blind them to seeing her gifts for ministry during her process of preparation and ordination. Let us take this as a reminder … Continue reading

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Waiting for Permission

It took me a very long time to allow myself the mental space to think that I might be transgender. I tried for years to ignore the pain associated with moving in the world when everyone saw me as a … Continue reading

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That All May Have Life in Fullness

The United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands – Young Adult Action Movement’s Child Sexual Abuse Awareness and Prevention Project Aware that the National Young Adults Action Movement (UCYAAM) was not having as much impact across the denomination as … Continue reading

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Breaking Strongholds Through Community Involvement

NERMC UCYAAM – A Voice in the Wilderness! The spirit of the Lord is upon me…to proclaim the [Good News] to those who have lost hope.” – Isaiah 61 (paraphrase) Imagine going to bed without the slightest thought of danger … Continue reading

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