Current Issue

The Power of Presence

She, like many others, had asked me about her case. Her rights as a parent were in danger of being terminated, and she wanted to get into a housing program before her approaching hearing. I explained to her that I … Continue reading

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Gospel Solidarity: A Struggle of Love and Privilege

I hesitated when asked to participate with Unbound on this series, especially when our conversations and discernment led to sharing about “solidarity” from our faith contexts and life experiences. After a few minutes of excitedly batting around ideas with the … Continue reading

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See the Face of God in the City

One Sunday, after parking our car in the vacant lot across from the church where we worship, our family made our way around a make-shift memorial that had been set up the night before. 24 hours earlier, a vigil had … Continue reading

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Imagine the Angels of Bread

A poem by Martín Espada This is the year that squatters evict landlords, gazing like admirals from the rail of the roofdeck or levitating hands in praise of steam in the shower; this is the year that shawled refugees deport … Continue reading

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