Current Issue

Progressive Christianity – What’s the Point?

I had just woken up. It was July; the summer heat was already beginning to invade the house even though the sun was scarcely up. I remember thinking to myself that I should have made an iced coffee instead of … Continue reading

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plumb line on a brick wall

Amos’ Plumbline; Whose Church?

A Series on the Future of Social Witness Opening Editorial by Chris Iosso Is justice an essential “mark of the church?” Is it a basic aspect of God’s reign, reflecting God’s nature? Is it a basic part of the Gospel, … Continue reading

Posted in Current Issue, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Journal | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Persistent Evil of Racism and the People of God

Louis Knowles is Interim Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Newtown, a multi-cultural congregation in Elmhurst, NY. He has worked on hunger issues, investment in cooperatives in developing nations, and medical care in India, all through ecumenical Christian organizations. Here … Continue reading

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Ready or Not

Larissa Kwong Abazia serves as the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Forest Hills, NY, a multicultural, multiethnic congregation representing 25 countries.  She has written a chapter in the forthcoming book, Streams Run Uphill: The Pastoral Identity and Ministry … Continue reading

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