Current Issue

24/6 cover

Finding Your 24/6 Rhythm in a 24/7 World

“In Sabbath-keeping we become more ourselves, not less.” –Eugene Peterson, from his foreword to by Matthew Sleeth, MD By Matthew Sleeth   View and Print as PDF.   A decade ago, I was chief of staff of a hospital and … Continue reading

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carolyn gillette

O God, Creator of All Things

A New Earth Care Hymn from Carolyn Winfrey Gillette FOREST GREEN CMD (“All Beautiful the March of Days”)   O God, Creator of all things, the earth belongs to you! In love, you place it in our hands and give … Continue reading

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The Beauty and Messiness of Falling in Love with God’s Creation

  By Andrew Plocher   View and Print as PDF.   Most of us who consider ourselves environmentalists can tell you love stories about God’s creation. For each of us the stories are a little different, but ultimately we have … Continue reading

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chicago clean air campaign

Environment, Religion and Race

Lessons from Faith-Based Community Organizing for Eco-Justice in Chicago By Clare Butterfield, Director of Faith in Place   View and Print as PDF.   Anyone who follows the environmental movement, whether sympathetically or critically, can hardly miss that its principle … Continue reading

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