Current Issue

neddy astudillo

La Eco-Justicia: Un Modo de Cuidar La Creación

Una Mirada Eco-Teológica de la Mayordomía, la Eco-Justicia y la Eco-Espiritualidad This article is also available in English.   Por: Rvda. Neddy Astudillo   Un sentimiento inquieto sopla libre en estos días, mientras las palabras del Evangelio continúan proclamando: “Ve … Continue reading

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The following are resources for exploring environmental spirituality and care for God’s creation. Congregations and faith leaders, be sure to note the worship resources. This eco-resource list is one way we can continue the conversation and learning begun in the … Continue reading

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tree planting


The following are ways you can put your environmental faith and care for God’s creation into action, both as individuals and as communities. Congregations and faith leaders, be sure to check out the ministry ideas. This eco-action list is one … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Current Issue, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

A Sacramental Universe

  The following is an adaptation from the chapter “The Sacred and the Commodified” in Larry Rasmussen’s newest book, Earth-Honoring Faith: Religious Ethics in a New Key, published by Oxford University Press in November, 2012. Larry will be the keynote … Continue reading

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