Current Issue

pelican by lauren wright

Wetlands Advocacy Art

Southern Louisiana Wildlife Paintings Artwork by Lauren Wright   View the entire Nov 2012–Jan 2013 issue, “Hope for Eco-Activists: Discovering an Environmental Faith“   Lauren Wright graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a degree in journalism with an emphasis … Continue reading

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ncc eco justice group

What I Crave: To Know Where I Belong

A short reflection on marsh periwinkles, young adults, the church, and eco-justice By Shantha Ready Alonso   Last summer, I joined a group of 20- and 30-somethings and traveled to Port Isobel, Virginia, to explore eco-justice in the marshlands of … Continue reading

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patrick heery in ziplining gear

Environmental Hope: A Better Approach for a Tougher Climate

Introducing the Unbound Nov 2012–Jan 2013 issue “Hope for Eco-Activists: Discovering an Environmental Faith” while arguing for a different environmental strategy to engage people, particularly young people, in this age of consumerism, doubt, and the temptation to despair.   By … Continue reading

Posted in Current Issue, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Sacred Healing for Grieving Earth-Justice Seekers

Introduction to the Unbound Nov 2012–Jan 2013 issue, “Hope for Eco-Activists: Discovering an Environmental Faith,” from guest content editors Diane Waddell and Sue Smith of Presbyterians for Earth Care.   By Diane Waddell, Moderator of Presbyterians for Earth Care   Earth … Continue reading

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