Current Issue

Interfaith delegation including young Jews and rabbis with Jewish Voice for Peace who advocated for boycott and divestment at the Presbyterian General Assembly.

Caught Between Promise and Prudence

Why the PC(USA) 220th General Assembly Voted Against Divestment By Robert Trawick   View and Print as PDF.   The General Assembly has come and gone, and amidst much sound and fury, we now face the task of reflecting on … Continue reading

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aimee moiso

Communion, Kenosis, and Change

Same-Sex Marriage at the 220th General Assembly By Rev. Aimee Moiso, 2012 Teaching Elder Commissioner and Moderator for Committee on Civil Union and Marriage Issues   View and Print as PDF.   In the two months since the 220th General … Continue reading

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Joann Haejong Lee, Mod­er­a­tor for Com­mit­tee on Immi­gra­tion Issues at 2012 GA

“For Where Your Treasure Is, There Your Heart Will Be Also” (Matt 6:21)

Financial Anxieties Block Justice Overtures at General Assembly By Joann Haejong Lee, 2012 Teaching Elder Commissioner and Moderator for Committee on Immigration Issues   View and Print as PDF.   I grew up in a working class family of immigrants. … Continue reading

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emily morrell

Stay with Us

A Young Presbyterian’s Reflection on General Assembly By Emily Morrell, 2012 Young Adult Advisory Delegate (YAAD)   View and Print as PDF.   My presbytery is small, tiny, actually. In fact, after serving on my presbytery’s youth council for four … Continue reading

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