Current Issue

painting of the declaration of independence

Presbyterian Citizens: Connecting Faith & Politics

By Roger Scott Powers   In the following article, pastor Roger Scott Powers says faith and politics do go together. This article appeared originally in the Presbytery of Baltimore’s newsletter, “Discipleship.”   Sometimes you hear people say that faith and … Continue reading

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photo of church for trade justice

Quick Takes from Christians Involved in the Public Square

Unbound interviewed several Christians involved in the world and its public arena. The following are their responses to three questions:   1. What is the #1 reason for the church to be involved in the world? 2. What is your … Continue reading

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Photo of Haitians who are building houses

Ecovillages: A Labor Not in Vain

Help Build Eco-Villages in Haiti… Not for, but with By Ruth Farrell, Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program   They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. No longer will they build houses and … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Current Issue | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments
Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations

Advocacy: Living a Public Faith

Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations By the Rev. W. Mark Koenig   View and print article as PDF “We are ambassadors for Christ.” Those words took on new meaning for me on March 11, 2011—when a tsunami and earthquake … Continue reading

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