Current Issue

The EBMI Project in Madagascar

Evidence-Based Methods of Instruction Background A widely recognized key to a nation’s or region’s development is access to quality education. Equipped with education, people become better parents, reducing infant mortality and disease, encouraging better school attendance, and being more able … Continue reading

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Teaching Girls in Pakistan

One Presbyterian’s Experience Participating in International Educational Mission Occasionally something happens in your life that you can only explain as a “God-moment.” For me, teaching in Pakistan was just such an experience. I met Veeda Javaid, the Executive Director of … Continue reading

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The Vocation of Education

A Family Story Lora and Bruce Whearty, elementary school teachers from Montana, accepted a call to serve as educational mission co-workers through the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 1992. They resigned from their jobs, sold their home and most of their … Continue reading

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Somewhere to Start

The “Educate a Child, Transform the World” Campaign in the PC(USA) “Educate a Child, Transform the World”: International, Interview with Frank Dimmock “Great progress has been made in increasing access and enrollment. However, the numbers of students has greatly outpaced … Continue reading

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