Current Issue

2011–2012 Horizons Bible Study. Illustrations by Ann Kim

Confessing the Beatitudes

Horizons Bible Study Lesson: Matthew 5:6; Luke 6:21a, 25a; Psalm 107:1–9 By Margaret Aymer   “Greatly Honored Are Those Who Are Famished and Parched for Justice!” is one of nine lessons, excerpted from the Confessing the Beatitudes Bible study, by … Continue reading

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Take Action for the Public Witness of the Church

Take Action for the Public Witness of the Church

Ecumenical Ministries of Public Witness Poverty Initiative of the National Council of Churches of Christ (NCC) Eco-Justice Programs of the National Council of Churches of Christ (NCC) Public Witness of the World Council of Churches Poverty Initiative, Union Theological Seminary … Continue reading

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photo of indigenous woman speaking at rally

Introduction to Indigenous Peoples’ Struggles for Land Rights

An introduction to the indigenous land rights articles November 29, 2011 by Carol Robb, Professor of Christian Social Ethics at San Francisco Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union   The assignment in a current doctoral seminar in distributive justice: … Continue reading

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photo of lands rights protest

Healing the Past

What does justice look like 151 years after the Indian Island Massacre? November 17, 2011 by Austin Leininger   PDF Version (Optimal for Printing)   The Last Dance The year is 1860. California has been a state for ten years. … Continue reading

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